Monday, July 21, 2008

The Really Important Event Update

Two more days left


Jane R said...

So, um, is this a Major Birthday with a Big Round Number (or a double number like, er, 55) or are you just celebrating life (as if that could ever be "just" or "only" - celebrating life is always An Event)?

I am about to go on the road later this week, so if I don't get to it, Happy Big Event Ahead Of Time!

johnieb said...

Not a big round number nor a double number--most wouldn't have thought of that possibility, I think.

After 60, all the numbers are big. Let me put it this way, technically, I am not a baby boomer, but (barely) a war baby.

Thanks for the good wishes!

it's margaret said...

Happy Day johnieb!

What will you be having for dinner on that day --or will we have to guess that too!

johnieb said...

I have no idea; fish, I suppose.

You don't have to guess; I am 62 years, 363 1/2 days old. I was two weeks old when Truman dropped the bomb on Hiroshima.

pj said...

Oho! Happy almost-birthday. :D

Anonymous said...

HEEE! It's getting CLOSER....